I’ve Missed You!

Hi Friends!

It’s been a month since I have been here with you and it is so nice to be back! I hope you have enjoyed your summer. My family and I spent almost three weeks away in Spain and Portugal. It was really lovely, really. But it’s almost more lovely to be back home. Do you you know what I mean? Like, it is great to get away but kiss your pillow great to be back home? 😜

If you have been listening to HealthBite this past month, you  know that I left you with 4 incredible guest interviews. You must have loved it because downloads for HealthBite nearly doubled last month! And if you missed them, no worries! Here is a rundown of my conversation with these incredible guests.

Episode 136: Heart Centered Healing for Health and Wellbeing with Cardiologist Jonathan Fisher


Jonathan is a Harvard-trained cardiologist, mindfulness meditation teacher, and organizational well-being and resiliency leader. In this episode we talk about the artificial divide between mind and body that is so prevalent in our culture (and in medicine), why it is wrong and how we can rectify it and reconnect mind and body, heart and soul.

I absolutely love love love his messaging and his practical strategies to cultivate this connection. He even shares his expertise on Chanel bags 👜😜. I promise that you’re gonna love this conversation. You can find the full episode here:

In Episode 137 I speak with visionary plastic surgeon Emily Hartman MD who describes a truly novel mind-body aesthetic practice where she incorporates reiki, meditation and other healing practices pre and post op as a way to reduce complications and limit the need for pain medications. Actually, her patients undergo plastic surgery with no pain meds! Her approach to her patients is intriguing and a model of health and wellbeing that goes beyond aesthetics. This episode is a must-listen!

In Episode 138 I chatted it up with Helen Pourat, certified physical therapist and founder of BrainBodyDPT where she engages the mind-body techniques to help her clients overcome pain, restore mobility and function. Helen’s approach to breathing, posture, stress management and regulation of our nervous system is a valuable reminder to return to the basics. You can listen to our conversation here.

Finally, you can tune into this week’s interview with Oprah-featured menopause expert, Dr. Heather Hirsch, a guru in all things menopause who bring years of experience recognizing the widely varied (and often unknown) symptoms of menopause and makes a case for how and why to use HRT.

And last but not least, I will be back with you again next week to share my monthly update on health and nutrition in the news. If you have not subscribed to Healthbite already, you can do that here. And if you are a regular listener I would love to hear your feedback. Respond to this email and let me know what kind of content you enjoy? Interviews? Solo-casts or evidence-based health tips and news.  I want to know what interests you- so send me a message! Have a great week!!




My mission is to educate, empower and inspire my patients to achieve health and wellness by drawing on best medical practices and a holistic mind-body approach while integrating my personal value system grounded in empathy, integrity and authenticity

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hey there!

I'm Dr Adrienne Youdim.

It’s time for a better way, one that acknowledges that quick and easy is unrealistic and untrue, judgement results in sabotage and will only impede our weight loss goals.

I’m here to tell you that you know what you need and you can trust it.

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Hungry For More:Stories and Science To Inspire Weight Loss From The Inside Out

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