Caring For Yourself – an Act of Advocacy, Gratitude and Defiance

It goes without saying that these have been emotionally taxing weeks. I have had so much to say and yet have been speechless, I have felt so many emotions and yet have been numb to emotion. I have had what feels like my heart broken into pieces with compassion for my fellow humans and also […]

My Feelings About the World Right Now

I am somewhat reluctant to send this. This newsletter is about health and wellness, it is about optimism and potential, it is about what you can do everyday to live a full and productive life, mind and body. But just as we cannot separate mind and body, and our professional lives from our personal lives, […]

Sinners, Negative Thoughts and Other Musings

This week’s newsletter draws on some of my cultural upbringing, but for those of you who are here for the health and wellness or even the weight loss spin, I promise you I’m gonna get there. So stay with me! As some of you know, we are in a holiday heavy time in the Jewish […]

Semaglutide, Semaglutide Everywhere….This Month’s NewsBite

Well the news on semaglutide is coming out so fast that I literally can’t keep up. Even this week’s fresh episode on all things semaglutide missed the news that came out over the weekend showing remarkable benefits of semaglutide in people with heart failure (HF). Study participants on semaglutide showed an average weight loss of 13.3%, a […]

Unlocking Our Full Potential: The Journey from Knowing to Doing

When was the last time you read a news headline like the one that came out last month, “These 8 habits could prolong your life,” and thought to yourself, I know, I know, I know. (btw-if you are curious about the headline, keep on reading…) Of course we already know! It is not for a lack […]

Mastering your Cravings without the Battle 🍷🍰 🍫

Cravings, Cravings, Cravings! As you can imagine, cravings are a common topic in my medical weight loss practice. But for some reason, it was particularly top of mind for my patients this week. Perhaps because it is vacation season and some of the things that happen on vacation set us up for cravings.  Time changes […]

This Month’s News Bite – Ozempic Side Effects, Aspartame Under Cancer Scrutiny, and Cultured Meat: The Next Culinary Frontier…and more

This week on HealthBite I share my monthly recap of (some) of the nutrition/diet/weight loss/health news that caught my eye (and the eyes of my patients.) There was talk about aspartame, lab grown meat  and of course lots of “ozempic” news (always ozempic news). If you are currently on or interested in ozempic (or the likes) keep reading. WHAT DO […]

I’ve Missed You!

Hi Friends! It’s been a month since I have been here with you and it is so nice to be back! I hope you have enjoyed your summer. My family and I spent almost three weeks away in Spain and Portugal. It was really lovely, really. But it’s almost more lovely to be back home. Do […]

Ozempic or no Ozempic…Why Self-Care is Essential to Managing your Weight

As I prescribe semaglutide to my patients and marvel at how powerful and potent it is to suppress hunger, I am also keenly aware that our hunger is also meant to be tended to. In the many years of working with patients as an obesity medicine specialist, I have learned we often find ourselves seeking […]

Will Ozempic Kill your Addiction

We already know that ozempic will kill your appetite but will it kill your addiction? This week on HealthBite, we are talking about reports that the new class of weight loss drugs (referred by the public as ozempic) are not only curbing people’s appetite for food but also curbing appetites for alcohol, nicotine and even shopping! Prescribers […]

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