Resilience in the Face of Uncertainty – A New Year Message

Happy New Year! I am not so much into New Year’s resolutions but I do love new beginnings. And more than that I love writing into my new beginnings.

Writing presents an opportunity for self awareness, healing, and transformative change.

The new year is a perfect time to engage in the process of self discovery and exploration of our hunger. We all experience hunger– wants, desires, untapped potential and unmet needs. Our hunger is often met with shame but in fact it presents as an opportunity. An opportunity for self discovery and growth.

This writing course will help guide you in the explorative process of discovering your true hunger. Created for anyone curious about exploring their inner self, this 30-day writing course will provide a creative outlet for beginners and seasoned writers alike to reach their greatest potential.

In this course you will receive:

  • 30 days of daily emails with guidance and writing prompts curated by me.
  • Gain insights into your inner workings to explore your inner wisdom
  • A guide to set attainable goals and a roadmap on how to achieve them.
  • Become aware of your thoughts, feelings, and habitual actions and how they may interfere with achieving your best self.
  • A framework to address challenges and barriers to achieving your goals.
  • Practices to help you cultivate gratitude, self-acceptance, and self-compassion
  • A guide to implement the changes that will provide you more joy, meaning, and fulfillment in your life.

At the beginning of this course you will receive a welcome message from me as well as all 30 days of writing prompts. You can choose to go in order or pick the prompt that speaks to you. You will also receive daily reminders with course teachings but go at your own pace! Explore each topic daily, weekly or even monthly as you see fit.

This is your journey!

This process is oh so rewarding and the insights you will gain will be invaluable, I promise 😉

I am so excited for you! Let’s begin!!!

Hungry for more?

I firmly believe that knowledge is power and so

I have created many spaces to empower you!

  1. Be inspired-download a sample of my best selling book, Hungry for More, or just get the whole book here. In this book I share a collection of personal and patient stories I promise you will relate to and the science that validates them. See what people are saying.
  2. Be engaged – Receive weekly (short) newsletters including health related content, inspiration and personal food for thought I share with my patients every day, straight into your inbox. Sign up here.
  3. Be empowered-Not a reader? No problem! Download my HealthBite podcast here– this podcast was created to provide you with short actionable bites towards better physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
  4. Stay Connected-If you find daily reminders more useful, you can find me on Instagram for tips and inspo @dradrienneyoudim

Above all, you do you!

We are living in an interesting (aka crazy) time. I support you in doing you whatever serves you, whatever that means.

Sending you well-wishes for a fulfilling and meaningful new year.



My mission is to educate, empower and inspire my patients to achieve health and wellness by drawing on best medical practices and a holistic mind-body approach while integrating my personal value system grounded in empathy, integrity and authenticity

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Hungry for something new?

Checkout my new book, Hungry For More: Stories and Science To Inspire Weight Loss From The Inside Out


hey there!

I'm Dr Adrienne Youdim.

It’s time for a better way, one that acknowledges that quick and easy is unrealistic and untrue, judgement results in sabotage and will only impede our weight loss goals.

I’m here to tell you that you know what you need and you can trust it.

Dr. Adrienne Personal Brand Photos
Hungry For More:Stories and Science To Inspire Weight Loss From The Inside Out

Download The First Chapter!

You can download the first chapter of my new book Hungry For More: Stories and Science to Inspire Weight Loss From The Inside Out. Drop your information below and the digital ebook will come straight to your inbox.