I am often asked when I decided to become a doctor. I can’t really answer that question because I wanted to be a doctor from my earliest memories. It did not feel like a decision but something I was born with. Growing up I had so many pre-conceived ideas of what being a doctor looked like. But over time it evolved, like all things should… My professional journey has spanned from academics to not. From working in the hospital treating the sickest patients to working in my office, trying to prevent illness. From writing research articles to writing love letters, to creating a nutritional bar and company, then closing that company; to speaking and now another longing to promote health and wellbeing in corporate spaces. To see nearly 20 years of my life smooshed into a paragraph might seem kinda cool, but what you don’t see is all the in betweens – the tears, the self doubt, the judgment (mine and others), the loss of identity, and so much more. But this is what I have learned to be true. We must give ourselves permission to shift and evolve. To listen to the nag that tugs at our heart, the beckoning that something needs to change or that we need to do something new. That voice that says we need to bet on ourselves. I have also learned:
The failure to answer the call for change will result in a deep hunger that we will seek to soothe with external comforts like drinking, smoking, compulsive shopping, overworking, and yes, with food. So, I encourage you to capitalize on the intention of spring; the season of rebirth, growth and awakening to allow yourself to pivot and realign with your goals, values and dreams. Lean into the nagging of your heart. Be brave enough to listen to the voice within and let it lead you to the next step, despite the fear, the judgements, the ego and the self limiting beliefs that are keeping you safe. Lean in with an open heart and an open mind, and know that I am right there alongside you. If you want to dig in deeper, listen to the full episode (less than 20 minutes) here. Here’s to spring cleaning your life and leaning into the calling of your heart! |